'Build-A-Rack' Semi-Custom Headache Racks
When we started Spyder Industries we not only wanted our headache racks to be among the highest quality and best looking on the market but also the most functional, and that meant giving customers the ability to customize their headache racks to suit their tastes and needs.

In keeping with that philosophy we've introduced the 'Build-A-Rack' Series: Semi-Custom headache racks with designs and other options that, until now, could not be ordered directly through the website - they were a special order, "by request only" deal. What also sets these apart is the ability to experiment with different designs, patterns, and optional add-ons with our exclusive visualizer tool to see what your finished rack will look like - and get instant pricing. Once you're satisfied with a look that fits your budget, you can just drop it in the shopping cart. You design it. We build it. No other manufacturer offers this.

All of our headache racks are hand-crafted in-house from mild steel using special jigs to ensure a high quality fit and superior finish. These headache racks use the same tried-and-true, inner/outer frame construction as our Spyder Series and are the foundation upon which everything else is built.
The frame style you start with will depend on your needs. Do you want complete rear window protection? Start with a full coverage frame. Do you have a sliding rear window and want to be able to pass things through the opening? Then, start with the windowed version. Does your late model truck have an OEM cargo area camera built into the third brake light? In that case, you may want to start with the windowed version for use with OEM cargo area cameras. These will provide an unobstructed view while using the camera.
Remember too, the frame style you choose will also dictate the insert patterns and designs to choose from. For example, we offer wildlife scenes that are only available for the full coverage frame. In any case, if you've seen a picture of one of our semi-custom headache racks in a gallery or on social media in the past, there's a good chance you can get one just like it (or the way you want it) with just a few clicks.
For headache racks involving company logos, unique artwork, or variations not available as a Build-A-Rack product, you'll still need to contact us using the special request form found on the website. There's just a lot more involved to have that type of custom headache rack built.
Check it out, have fun, and get the custom headache rack you've been dreaming about. Your truck will love you!